Hacking the Happiness – Your Attraction to Digital Interruption is costing you your Fortune

”Life becomes unimaginable these days in the absence of my digital companion” quoted a girl from nearby seat to her mother when I was travelling in a metro train in Chennai.


Digging deep into it, we are progressing through the rapidly dynamic world of ours, from the period when people in power had real personal assistants, to our friend nearby having his/her digital personal assistant taking care of his/her day to day core activities from reminding of minor tasks such as booking a meal of their preference from their favorite restaurant or booking a cab back to home without any manual intervention. Yeah hope you got it. Are you wondering digital interruption in the present is the major concern ? Well, if it was in your mind, just give it a thought once again. Because, the concern has now elevated to the next level from digital interruption to digital dependency without interruption. This was inferred from the fact people nowadays depend on gadgets for performing elemental activities including switching on shower, closing the door, powering on the television etc..,

Heard of the Echo wall clock, No?? Well then obviously the below one is for you.



Notice a black themed clocked inside a white colored square box in the top right of the snap above. Yeah, you are there.

What is an Amazon Echo Wall Clock ?

Amazon quotes “Stay organised and on time at home”. When coupled with the compatible Echo device assisted by your voice, it displays the time remaining on the active timers as well as the countdown for the last 60 seconds.

On one side, referring to my article  https://idle2value.wordpress.com/2018/08/06/the-era-where-people-enter-full-fledged-into-a-world-of-ubiquitous-privacy-intruders/, reinstating the statement that the database behind the digital world consisting of thorough knowledge about ourselves that even we could struggle to remember often, could turn against ourselves at any time as the privacy of majority of people is at a major stake.

Have a glance at the below to gain insight of what’s happening from what you do from your smartphone…

On the other side, the people’s happiness is also taking toll due to this digital addiction. Psychological depression is in the beginning stage to becoming epidemic in this dynamic world. As technology becomes omnipresent, the dangers of digital dependency are becoming real and unsettling leading to people in the same family going online to communicate with each other rather having face to face interaction. We rely on it to remember information be it your mobile number or your mom’s birthday. (say for example)



For everyone of us trying to stop using tech, there are thousands of designers, psychologists and technologists working to keep us addicted to their platforms to consume ads and make them money.

The below image is to depict how technology acts integrated with our soul in our day to day life.


With no option left out than being self controlled (Well ! this doesn’t deserve digital assistance I believe), meaning, discovering ways to enhance focus to achieve our life goals in a streamlined path with the aid of tech but not with tech at the forefront thereby portraying our individuality to the society. We are forced to maintain a bubble of tight focus by packing the digital gadgets and store it safely away from us and accessing it when and only required.


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